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Divorce and one-parent wedding

Good morning, David. I’m so glad to see you again. What’s happened to you? You seem to be worried about something.

Hi, Josh. Don’t worry. I’m fine. I’ve just got the invitation to my dad’s wedding with his new girlfriend. What can you say about it?

Wow, that’s pretty tough. Are you going to accept the invitation?

That’s the problem. I have not decided yet. I’m caught between a rock and a hard place. Honestly, I have no idea which side I should take.

You mean, between your mom and dad? That’s a very difficult choice. You know, Dave, I have been there myself couple years ago.

So, what would be your advice to me then?

Well, it is hard to tell for sure. Every situation is so unique and personal. That is why it is only you who is able to make the right decision. But first of all, I would certainly recommend talking to your mom and explain her, that you love her but need to accept and respect your father’s choices as well.

Yeah, well. My mom does not really like ...

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