ТЕМА: In some countries many more people are choosing private education for their children

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In some countries many more people are choosing private education for their children

School education is the basis of education, and it is from this that it is often possible to judge the entire academic system of the country, its culture. In addition, the education that the child receives from childhood is a pledge not only of his knowledge and future academic achievements, but also of his attitude to life, upbringing, values ​​and landmarks.

If you look at the whole world private education is very developed, there is a great demand. The main advantage of private schools is that they work under a certain program. If we talk about international schools, it can be the IB program, the American Program, etc. Parents increasingly choose this type of education, because this is the future of their children and besides, it allows to grow a more creative personality, because private institutions guarantee a personal journey.

The most famous in the world are English private schools. Elite educa...

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