ТЕМА: Кейс по английскому языку

Английский язык

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Ответы на вопросы к кейсу

Examine the situation and find out the main problem of the article.

In the US, there is a special legislative regulation of the insurance business. The fact is that each state has its own insurance legislation and its own regulatory body (supervision). There is no single Federal law on insurance and no single Federal body for supervision of insurance activities. Each state puts forward its own requirements for the minimum level of capital, types of insurance offered, conducts an audit of controlled insurance companies, carries out General regulation of insurance activities by issuing a license to brokers, agents and insurance companies themselves.

Insurance authorities in the United States focus on the financial stability of insurance companies. In particular, in the practice of insurance control bodies and audit services, a special system of indicators for the financial analysis of insurance operations is used.

The indicators of this kind include the coefficie...

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Консультационное агентство "СТУДЕНТБРЯНСК" специализируется на написании дипломных, курсовых, рефератов, контрольных, эссе по экономике, менеджменту, маркетингу, истории, математике, рекламе и пиару, связям с общественностью, психологии и ряду узких дисциплин.

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