ТЕМА: Управление продажами и доходами в гостинице


- 50%



Тестовые задания

1. Which of the following statements about the hospitality industry and technology is false?

a. Today’s technology is changing the way hospitality firms do business.

b. More and more guestrooms are featuring high-tech gadgets and facilities such as fax machines and Internet connections.

c. The use of “smart cards” is decreasing in the hotel industry.

d. Today’s technology has had a positive impact on the way hotels manage their sales and marketing efforts.

2. Which of the following statements about the hospitality industry and globalization is false?

a. It is expected that thousands of hotels will be built in the Asia-Pacific region within the next few years.

b. Foreign hotel chains have established a greater presence in the United States.

c. The first hotels built outside the United States by U.S. hotel chains were usually upscale properties located in capital cities.

d. Globalization has not affected the food service industry very much.

3. Stacy is a very personable food ser...

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